Bio identical Hormone therapy Hurst, TX - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to undesirable symptoms. Replacing these hormones at proper levels can provide lasting relief.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute, our endocrinologists specializing in female hormones use bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones to develop customized treatment plans based on your unique needs. We partner with the area's top compounding pharmacies to create high quality, customized therapies you won't find through traditional pharmacies.

Conditions Treated with Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone therapy can effectively treat hormone imbalance issues related to:

Our services

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

When delivered at proper levels based on lab testing, bioidentical hormones offer a wide range of benefits:

Equilibrium Hormone Institute Specialized Approach

Equilibrium Hormone Institute goes beyond simply prescribing hormones. Our bioidentical hormones doctors take an integrative approach focused on lifestyle factors like nutrition, movement, and stress reduction for optimal wellbeing during treatment.

Precision Testing and Adjustments

We begin every patient with advanced hormone panel testing to precisely identify imbalances. Hormone levels are retested every 3 months to ensure optimal balance is achieved and maintained long-term. Adjustments are made promptly based on lab results and symptom monitoring.

Custom Compounding

Each hormone therapy regimen is custom compounded in our local partner pharmacies to match your individual hormone needs and preferences for delivery method. This level of personalization is not possible with traditional pharmacy options.

Holistic Lifestyle Guidance

Our practitioners provide dietary and lifestyle guidance tailored to your bioidentical hormone therapy goals. Referrals are made to our trusted network of nutritionists, personal trainers, and mental health professionals to ensure progress from multiple angles.

Experience personalized bioidentical hormone treatment for lasting relief.

The Equilibrium Hormone Institute Difference

With two decades serving the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, Equilibrium Hormone Institute offers an unparalleled combination of expertise, personalization, and holistic support.

Leading Endocrinology Specialists

Our endocrinologists have 50 years combined experience optimizing hormone balance for men and women. We stay at the forefront of bioidentical hormone research and regularly teach other medical professionals.

Seamless Care Coordination

Your care is coordinated between our nurse practitioner, on-site blood draw lab, compounding pharmacy team, and other specialists to ensure continuity. We take pride in making this process smooth and convenient for our patients.

Relaxing, Spa-like Environment

Leave the clinical atmosphere behind. Our beautiful facilities provide a peaceful, welcoming setting conducive to discussing sensitive subjects. You'll feel at home from your first visit onwards.

Equilibrium Hormone Institute stands ready to help you take control of your health during hormone transitions. Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our bioidentical hormone specialists to start your journey.

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